Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Carrier Chapter 3

"I arrived at the address at 5 a.m. The sun will be rising soon.

The address had taken me to an apartment on an empty street.

I stepped out of the car thinking to myself why I was doing this and why this is happening. It's all too strange and confusing to understand.

I walked into the building and a wretched smell rushed into my nose. That itself assured me that this was it.

I quickly covered my nose and headed down the main hall. I could hear a slow tapping coming from the end of it.

I saw the room at the very end with light creeping under the door. As I walked closer, I noticed that the tapping came from behind the door.

I reached the door and grabbed the knob. I paused and took a deep breath. Bracing myself to what was behind it.

I swung open the door and saw a near empty room with only a table.

There was a man sitting on the end facing me. And across from him was an empty chair.

There was a light hanging from the ceiling that only lit him and the table leaving the rest of the room dark.

His eyes were covered by darkness.

He had long white hair going down to his shoulders.

But when I walked to him, I noticed something. His eyes were not covered in shadow.

His eyes were a dark purple and they looked large bug eyes.

He then stood, revealing large scaly wings on his back. He was holding a jacket in his hand.

He throws the jacket at me and in a raspy voice he tells me to follow him. He turns and walks into the darkness.

'Those wings must have been fake, but about those eyes?' I thought to myself.

"Are you Luis Namthom?" I asked.

"Does it matter?" he responded.

He was right. I put the jacket on even though I was still wet from being out in the rain earlier. I went after him into the darkness.

I stumbled upon an open door and saw him descending a flight of stairs. I followed.

At the bottom was a boiler room. And on one wall was a large hole.

Luis walked into it, once again disappearing into the dark. I was shocked to see a tunnel in such a place like this.

I entered it, walking blindly.

After stumbling through the narrow dark tunnel, I saw a glowing light coming around a corner.

I saw Luis standing next to what appeared to be an alter.

The alter was of a bony demonic looking creature. It had what appeared to be hand, sticking out as if it was waiting for something.

The entire alter itself had a glow that slowly changed colors just like the crystal in my chest.

I walked over to the hand and pulled out my crystal. I placed it in the hand. And it grasped it.

All of a sudden the altar spoke horrid and eerie sounding demonic words. I was frightened. I could only stand and stare.

I looked at Luis. He seemed to know exactly what was happening.

Finally it stopped speaking and it unclenched the crystal. I grabbed it and the wall behind the altar crumbled.

It revealed another tunnel, but at far off there was a glistening light. It looked like an exit.

Luis walked into the new tunnel smiling.

I watched him go thinking if I should follow him or not.

He called out "You coming?"

I realized I had nowhere else to go. And to be honest, I was curious.

I put the crystal back, and walked off into the darkness of the tunnel after Luis."

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